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The Interiors Edit

Selling Houses Australia: Tumby Bay bus, our first tiny home
Selling Houses Australia Wendy Moore Selling Houses Australia Wendy Moore

Selling Houses Australia: Tumby Bay bus, our first tiny home

Welcome to Tumby Bay, although the home on this episode is not really tied to one postcode – because it’s a bus! The Tumby Bay bus renovation was one of our most challenging yet on Selling Houses Australia because there was simply very little room to  move, and the budget matched the floor plan. It was SMALL. Couple Sarah and Tom were in a financial pinch and needed to move on this bus, a snap purchase that Sarah deeply regretted. More of a nightmare than the ‘fun project’ she’d hoped for, it was time to move it on. I needed to do a lot here - it had no functioning spaces with the exception of the existing bed frame. But there was no mattress, to be clear…

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